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Currie's Odyssey

An anthology of experimental shorts.

Apartment Building 2897. A woman and man put on an impromptu musical show for no one but themselves. -Currie

Hallucinations That Became His Reality a man hears something coming from his vinyl on the wall. When he goes over to listen he gets Transported back to the start . -Currie


In ABDDEXX 2357-1 a squash is placed on a chair starting a reaction of odd sequences. -Currie

In Memoria Subtraction I was playing around with structure. Trying to create an eerie sense of familiarity among unfamiliar images. -Currie

Soulless Dancer is an experiment with horror in the mundane. Following a woman as she takes off her jewelry and gets ready for bed. -Currie

Night Sky is a collage of colours, painted on clear film stock. Played at 24 frames a second. -Currie


PX9-4000 is a series of flashing colours, transporting us into something else. -Currie

 In Minute Minus Second
a car is rolling down the highway as we watch the city skyline from below. A conversation in a dream between two familiar but different faces. Playing around with trance filmmaking.

Cast & Crew: Sarah Schmidt-McQuillan and Jediah Currie

A very special thank you to Sarah for helping me make this project! I had been doing a lot of producing and management  work and I needed a creative outlet to let these wired ideas out on. So I stared filming little shorts on my phone and editing them in imovie. I would just film random stuff throughout my life that I thought looked cool and would try and make the visuals as weird as possible in the edit. Not the sexiest movie on earth but it was a really fun one to make. I didn't take it that serious and you shouldn't either!  

Phase 4 (Project Zion)

Phase 4 (Project Zion) was a short that I cut from Currie's Odyssey. It was my first attempt at making a structuralist film as I was watching a lot of Hollis Framton when I made this. 


Currie's Odyssey Zine

If your absolutely dying to have your own zine created by Jediah. Please by all means download this image and make one yourself!

A Movie by Jediah Currie

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