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Chunder Gob

Block 2 (8:45-10)

Director: Priya Currie and Ea Brewster

Runtime: 6m30s

In the peculiar world of Chunder Gob, two curious creatures stumble upon a small, delicate bell. Enchanted, one creature swallows it whole, sending the bell tumbling into a slimy, mountainous land within its stomach. There, three bird-like beings discover the bell and become entranced by its strange allure. But as night falls and the birds rest, a mysterious fog arrives and whisks the bell away. Determined, the three creatures set off on an adventure down the mountain to reclaim their precious find. After a series of events, they eventually track down the bell, only to be engulfed by the very fog they’ve been searching for. In a moment of fear and uncertainty, their enchanting tune drives the fog away, revealing the bell once more. The commotion upsets the monster’s stomach, bringing the journey full circle as the bell is regurgitated and placed safely in a jar, where it joins the two monsters as they joyfully dance in an endless, whimsical loop.

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